Our Most Mer-mazing Products Just for You!

Christmas Collection 2023

Beach Happy Collection

Handcrafted beauty products featuring ingredients from the Sea combined with natural elements from the Midwest.

Lavender & Sea Oats Mermaid Soap Gift Set Coastal Cranberry & Sweet Orange Soap Coconut Milk Sea Sponge Facial Massage Soap Mermaid Coins - Lucky Sand Dollar Soap Pink Flamingo Moisturizing Soap

Give the Gift of Relaxation!

Beauty by the Sea

Our collection of beautiful handcrafted soaps featuring naturally beautifying ingredients from the Ocean combined with wholesome goodness from the Midwest!

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Try our new yummy PSL scented products

Pumpkin Spice and EVERYTHING Nice!

Ocean Ingredients for "Sea"-worthy Beauty!

Sea Kelp & Sea Salt Soap


Salty Siren Soaps


Sea Creature Soaps
